Temecula Eq-Wine Riders

Temecula Eq-Wine Riders

Trail Etiquette 


* Start the ride on time!  Trail rides will state a start time as "in the saddle" please allow yourself time to park in our designated area, unload and ready your horse.  Do not expect the entire group to wait, we often have a lunch RSVP afterwards, many people have plans later in the day, etc.   

*Try to keep two horse lengths between you and the next rider when sections of trail require single file riding.  Stay behind the trail boss, do not fall behind the drag rider, do not leave the ride without notifying someone on the trail support team.

* Faster horses should stay toward the front, it may be necessary to move the order of some horses once the ride begins to keep the group safe.  The trail support team may make suggestions based on safety, your cooperation is expected.  Do not pass other riders at a gait faster than a walk without letting them know your intent.  

*All horses that kick must have a red ribbon tied to their tails.  Horses with consistent biting, kicking, poor social or trail habits are not a fit for club rides that often exceed 30 horses.  No dogs, stallions, riding double or ponying other horses allowed.

*Private property must always be respected.  Observance of county and state park rules is mandatory.  Please be courteous and always pick up manure and hay from our private VIP staging areas before leaving.

*Riding lame or injured horses or abuse of horses will not be tolerated.   Horses and riders must be in fit condition, often our rides exceed three hours in length, are in remote areas and weather is hot. 

*Use appropriate trail saddles and tack in good repair.  Breast collars are often needed for steep inclines, rocky trail sections can occur shoes or hoof boots may be needed, safe clothing and footwear for rider is a must.  Plan to bring water, sunscreen, if you have a severe bee sting/wasp/food allergy it is your responsibility to bring your Epi Pen and administer it.  Wearing a helmet is encouraged, a brimmed hat or helmet protects you from the sun.  Anyone with a serious medical condition, including pregnancy, are encouraged not to join rides as emergency medical attention may be delayed in remote locations.

*If a member or guest rider choses to partake in an alcoholic beverage AFTER a trail ride, that is their choice.  Alcohol is NOT sold by the club and TEWR BOD expects responsible behavior from all members and sponsored guests. Smoking in designated areas only, smoking while riding is not allowed.

*Minimum age to ride with the club is 18 years.  We can allow younger riders on a case by case basis per BOD approval if appropriate.    

We want you to have fun, be safe and make LIFELONG SADDLE PALS!  

The TEWR Board of Directors and designated Trail Support Team reserves the right to refuse any member or guest participation in club rides, events and Temecula Cowgirls activities.  


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